How to safeguard your account details before and after a consumer website hack

website hack
Website hack got you concerned? With the news of this site and that site getting hacked almost daily, the need to protect your sensitive information is at an all-time high. Adding to that the reliance we have on logging into a website for tasks such as online banking and shopping, the stakes have never been higher.
While no one can predict when the next breach will occur, it’s best to have a prevention plan and a backup plan in the event that your data is compromised. Doing so minimizes the damages you’ll face if your information is exposed.

Here are a few tips we think you’ll find helpful.


Before a website hack:

  • Enable Two-factor authorization. Using two-factor authentication offers a second layer of protection to your account. When active, you will need to verify you are attempting to log in to a certain site. This protection comes in the form of either an email or text code, a phone call with said code, or a prompt on a secondary device. Confirming this info that confirms you are trying to log in.
  • Create strong, complex passwords. No, Password123 isn’t going to save your data from peril, so think outside the box. Use a password that features upper and lowercase letters. Throw in some numbers and special characters for added flare. An example of these suggestions in use is P@ssW0rd4522! Or $ecUr1ty@9562!. Be sure to write these down or use a password manager.
  • Implement security questions. Though some websites have pulled away from this tried-and-true method of personal Q&A for security purposes, it’s best to use this method if available. If a hacker doesn’t have access to info such as “your high school mascot” or “your mother’s favorite food”, then they can’t get too far in hacking your data.

After a website hack:

  • Change your passwords. We will get into this a bit more in detail below, but you will want to change your password as soon as you find out you have been hacked. Doing so prevents further damage in the event that your credentials fall in the wrong hands.
  • Monitor your credit reports. If you are familiar with the credit monitoring process, then you know that any new inquiries or new open accounts have the ability to either drop or raise your credit score. Check your credit report often for unusual or unauthorized accounts that you did not authorize. Recent queries and large purchases may indicate unauthorized account opening.
  • Try a Dark Web Monitoring sweep. While we do not suggest searching the dark web yourself for your information, you can seek out help from outside sources. Paid services such as Experian offer Dark Web Monitoring, which sweeps the dark web (and regular) for personal information related to the account holder. This helps in the event that your information is out there. It allows you time to contact your credit companies to freeze accounts, while also informing the Social Security Administration (for identity theft purposes).

Bonus: Utilize these methods for maximum protection against a website hack

  • Implement a password manager. Password software and apps are a great way to keep track of your passwords. Companies such as dashlane, lastpass and 1password offer robust features. These include excellent security, password sharing, and encryption, which will give you peace of mind while storing your info.
  • Change passwords frequently. Using the same password for years increases your chances of falling victim to a hack. A rule of thumb is to change your passwords every quarter. You also want to use the rules listed above for maximum benefit.

Have additional questions? Feel free to contact us by phone at 818-501-2281 or email us at

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