Virus Protection

network_securityIs your network secure from intruders? Both internally and externally?
Are your employee’s Internet habits costing you money by introducing
viruses and countering their productivity?
Certainly many security breaches are internal and often not intentional. But cyber crime is also on the increase and companies need to be vigilant. What can small companies do to protect themselves? Here are some essential first steps…
1- Get up to speed on just where your network and internet security
might be vulnerable and how to deal with it.
2- Be alert to the various internet security scams out there and how to deal with them. Fraud schemes include the increasingly popular ‘spoofing’ which involves the use of special software designed to falsify the sender’s address on an email. This can be used to obtain money, trade secrets, company research, passwords and other data from businesses.
3- A comprehensive antivirus program, such as Symantec or McAfee, is a must. The biggest damage to your network can be done by staff downloading unauthorized software, email attachments or visiting suspicious websites.
4- A sophisticated firewall device that controls unauthorized access to your network, as well as preventing staff accessing unsuitable web sites, is a must.
5- Hackers outside the company look for loopholes in your internet security systems, typically glitches in software. Always apply the latest patches and updates to your servers and computers.  Check with your software provider (usually via their Web site) on a regular basis for news of security loopholes and their remedies, such as downloadable patches.
6- Review your security policy annually. The threat of serious theft or corruption, though, often comes from disgruntled employees.
7- Do you spring-clean passwords regularly? How many ex-employees still have their passwords? Issue written security procedures and ensure staff are properly trained. Otherwise a hacker will simply call up and ask for a password – it’s that simple!
8- Please contact CEO Computers at 818-501-2281. We specialize in internet security and can assess your network’s vulnerabilities.

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