Remote/Hybrid Work

Hybrid work

Covid 19 Pandemic put remote and Hybrid work in the forefront of running a business. It started as extending greater flexibility to employees. But it became a necessity to solve the challenges of enabling remote work. Hybrid work is an opportunity for you to improve upon how your business fundamentally goes about getting work done.

Nowadays it has become a part of long term strategy to get the most from your implementation of a hybrid work. Employees want flexibility and an ideal internal technology experience. When planning out your hybrid work strategy, you will want to take into consideration all the factors involved to ensure you build the ideal hybrid work model that meets you where you are.

Here are some important questions to ask yourself:

1- What kind of IT support do I need?

The need for IT support whether working remotely or on premises is reaching to 24×7 requirement.  Because anytime lost translates to loss of productivity and revenue.  You need an IT team that is robust and can respond quickly with a sophisticated helpdesk team that can answer all your staff’s questions.  The IT Support has the capability of implementing monitoring of all the equipment in the office  and outside your office such as laptops, and mobile devices.  In case they are stolen appropriate software that can wipeout the content remotely.  

2- How secure will it be?

Every small business needs to make security a priority.  All businesses are constantly targeted and attacked by the cybercriminals that use sophisticated technologies to phish and breach your data.  It takes one successful attempt to put you out of business.  The statistics are high for small businesses that suffer a breach because they do not take cybersecurity very seriously.  It is important to apply the same security standards at your office as well for remote workers.  

  • Allow secure access to your network using VPN
  • Protect you sensitive data by verifying the identity of users, devices and applications
  • Defend against Cyber threats by utilizing the latest technology
  • provide Employee awareness training
  • Provide 2 Factor authentication

3- How easy is it for my teams to effectively communicate & collaborate? 

The ability to communicate and collaborate is vital for any small business.  Employing the right apps, tolls, equipment and internet can make an enormous difference on the success of your business.  When all of these tools can be employed securely your productivity flourishes.  Here are some of the essentials elements of what is needed to ensure a successful team work:

  • Capability to exchange Messages and files
  • Video and audio capability to launch meetings
  • Capability to Exchange private messages
  • Using digital whiteboard

4 – What kind of IT infrastructure do I need? 

Below are some general guidelines to consider when you are setting up a remote/hybrid work place:

  • You have to make sure that you have the right internet with the right Bandwidth and if you business is mission critical to have the backup internet preferably from a different provider. 
  • you have to make sure you put security place.  Have the right router, firewall, Antivirus, remote connection VPN software
  • Adequate licenses for your main applications
  • Remote management software to make sure that the remote users computers are also monitored.

5- What are the other factors to consider?

There is always the budget to consider.  Initially the remote users may need onetime cost of hardware and software to be established and have a secure and easy process to access the data safely. After that the costs become fixed and predictable.  There is also additional costs of IT support to make sure the remote users are accessing the data safely and their equipment is protected and supported.

Call us with any questions about the Hybrid or remote work place.  We will provide you with the right information to make the right decision.